
School of Education Institutes and Centers/Schools and Education Partnerships

With 25 nationally recognized and State-approved teacher, counselor, and educational leader programs, Lehman’s School of Education is helping to transform urban public education. We work with over 200 schools, centers, and agencies in the Bronx and lower Westchester to equip current and future teachers with the knowledge and skills to provide rich Pre-K to 12 classroom experiences. Explore Lehman’s professional development network.
College Now is a free program of CUNY and the NYC Department of Education. Through College Now, qualified students get an early introduction to the college environment and a jump-start on college coursework by taking credit-bearing college courses. Learn more and help students build the academic skills necessary for success in college.
College Now
Institute for Literary Studies
The Institute for Literacy Studies advances urban education by strengthening literacy and mathematics teaching and by supporting teachers as key educational decision-makers. Last year, programs supported the professional development of 395 Bronx teachers and more than 800 teachers citywide. The Lehman College Adult Learning Center, recognized for its innovation and effectiveness, provides English language, literacy, and GED classes to almost 600 adults each year.
Universal Pre-K School in the Bronx
Universal Pre-Kindergarten is available in NYC for all children who will become four years old by December 31 of that calendar year. This program is provided free of cost to parents and is organized by the NYC Department of Education. Classes are either in elementary school or in early childhood centers. Most programs are half day, either morning or afternoon and about 2 ½ hours per day. Some full day programs are available. All children are eligible. Most classes are in English but ESL (English as a Second Language) services are available. There are no economic or developmental qualifications.
Public School Maps
Did you know that there are more than 425 public schools for the borough's 200,000+ students. Explore a map of public schools in the Bronx.
The Bronx Institute
The Bronx Institute at Lehman College has three main areas of focus: Youth Development programs, Professional Development, and Research and Policy. The Institute has received national recognition for its ENLACE and GEAR UP Programs, which have served more than 10,000 Bronx students. These and other activities further research relevant to the improvement of education and the quality of life in the Bronx.